Spinney Hill Medical Centre

Friends and Family Test Results

Summary of past responses

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Thinking about our GP practice… Overall, how was your experience of our service?Please can you tell us why you gave your answer?Please tell us about anything that we could have…Date


March 5, 2025 at 8:51 pm

Neither good nor poor

March 5, 2025 at 9:13 pm

Very poor

My mother receives repeat prescriptions, went to the the spinney hill mc Doncaster Road opened up after the renovations to drop off her repeat prescriptions rather than to drop into the box outside she thought she would hand it in to the receptionist so she could see the works carried . To which she was faced with an abrupt rude receptionist telling my mother off because she was expected to post it. My mother has since visited the surgery on 4 occasions and 5 occasions to the chemist were she collects her prescription from. Each time the chemist informing her no prescriptions have been submitted. Would you say that is acceptable for an elderly lady to go back and forth chasing a repeat prescription?

How can Spinney Hill medical centre be taking on more patients when the surgery and staff cannot handle simple queries or looking after existing patients?
Online portal for appointments- Receptionist refer to this but appointments are never available.
More training for the receptionist- to be more sympathetic and react to situations. Eg 2 people on computers whilst 1 person dealing with a queue of people .
Overall poor service

March 5, 2025 at 9:35 pm


March 5, 2025 at 9:42 pm

Very poor

Called to make an appointment as my symptoms have got progressively worse. But was informed could get a call back from a doctor. My symptoms are not something that can be discussed over the phone. Was then referred to online appointment . Which are never available. Was sent a link to follow which again leads to matters of a non urgent medical matter. It’s ridiculous.

Staff need to be trained, people generally go to the surgery because of a health issue or concern but the staff seem to refer to 111 or the A&E I’m not sure how Spinney hill medical centre can improve . The practice has got from bad to worse.
Maybe next step the nhs ombudsman

March 5, 2025 at 9:58 pm

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