Spinney Hill Medical Centre

Friends and Family Test Results

Summary of past responses

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Recent responses

Thinking about our GP practice… Overall, how was your experience of our service?Please can you tell us why you gave your answer?Please tell us about anything that we could have…Date


Was happy to be given an appointment last minute and was pleased with the doctors response

June 4, 2024 at 9:30 am


June 4, 2024 at 9:28 am

Neither good nor poor

June 4, 2024 at 9:27 am

Very poor

Dr I Karunathilaka is a racist and uncultured TRAINEE GP who DOES NOT KNOW how to interact with patients, especially those who are vulnerable and english may not be their first language. She was extremely RUDE to my parents who had the unfortunate experience of being seen by her incompetent self for the first AND last time! She asked my mother why she had booked in to see her when she cannot speak English and on multiple occasions asked my mum to leave the room and go outside. WHAT WAY IS THIS TO TREAT AND COMMUNICATE WITH PATIENTS? My mum has been a patient with this surgery for decades, longer than the age of this TRIANEE GO, and is being refused to be seen and even listened to just because she cant speak English???? My mum then called me over the phone to speak as an interpreter and this TRAINEE GP told my mum to put the phone down and leave the room. She said she would call an interpreter but she didn’t – once I was off the call, she ordered my mum to leave! Firstly, she refuses to listen to my mum, then she refuses for me to interpret and THEN has the audacity to LIE and say she would call an interpreter just to get her to come off the call to me. WHAT A SLY PERSON – what is her problem?
Your surgery is full of patients and staff who are of a south asian background whose first language is not English. This does not mean they cannot receive adequate healthcare that they are entitled to. What a rude lady who is in the wrong profession. Let’s not forget she is a trainee GP and hasnt been fully competent and qualified.

Conduct an investigation into Dr I Karunathilaka – because she doesnt know how to deal with patients especially those in a surgery where there are diverse patients with varying levels of English speaking abilities,. GET HER OUT OF THIS POST AND SURGERY – SHE DOES NOT DESERVE THIS.

May 29, 2024 at 1:21 pm

Very good

Because always helpfull to me


May 28, 2024 at 10:00 pm

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