Spinney Hill Medical Centre

Register with the Surgery

Spinney Hill Medical Centre is accepting new patients. If you would like to register with us you will need to firstly check that you live within our catchment area (see below). Please bring along with you proof of address which can be a bank statement or utility bill issued in the last three months.

If you are not registered with a GP in the UK we will need your passport with visas, your marriage certificate if you are joining a spouse and proof of address.

Once we have these documents you will be asked to complete two simple forms and provided all of the information is satisfactory we will be able to register you.

Once you are registered you will be invited to attend a new patient health check so that we can obtain medical information about you.

It is important that you attend a new patient health check appointment!

New born babies to parents already registered with us
We will need a copy of the birth certificate as soon as possible so that we can register your baby with us. This must be done prior to the babies 6 week check up.

If you have any further questions about registering please do not hesitate to contact a member of the reception team who will be able to guide you through this process.

Temporary and private registrations are also available.  Please ask a member of the reception team for further information.

Register with Spinney Hill Medical Centre – ONLINE

You can now register with us online without having to come into the surgery. Please click on the link below and follow the instructions


Register with Spinney Hill Medical Centre – HARDCOPY


Once submitted, we will go through your form and check your details. Upon successful registration, you will receive a SMS from us confirming this. If we require any further details, we will contact you.

Catchment Area

Before filling out a Registration Form, use the interactive map below to check if you are within our catchment area. If you are within our catchment, only then complete the form.

If you fall outside our catchment area, you will need to register to another surgery closer to your address.

Find out which GPs – you can register with on the NHS website.